German Films, Germany, Musings, Writing

A Deep Dive (No One Asked for) into US Cultural Identity

In those early days of motherhood, I spent a lot of time on European TikTok and what is a popular pastime is roasting Americans. I could do another episode on my very mixed feelings on the subject…but we’re not here to talk about that. What I do want to talk about is a topic that… Continue reading A Deep Dive (No One Asked for) into US Cultural Identity

German Films, Germany, Musings, Writing

US Stereotypes that DON’T Fit Me

On today’s episode we are going to tackle the second half of my topic concerning US Stereotypes. The last episode, we talked about the stereotypes that fit me and this week we’ll tackle the ones that don’t. Hallöchen, Lieblings. I’m Mari, a sci/fi and fantasy author, who has been living in southern Germany since 2014. … Continue reading US Stereotypes that DON’T Fit Me

German Films, Germany, Musings, Writing

US Stereotypes that Fit Me

In this episode, I thought I would talk about Like stereotypes…….This topic will be a two-parter, in this episode we’re going to cover stereotypes that DO fit me and in the next one, we’ll cover the ones that DON’T. Naturally there’s a list! I mean that’s what you came here for, right? 1. Americans are… Continue reading US Stereotypes that Fit Me

German Films, Germany, Musings, Writing

Taking Care of Baby US vs DE

On today’s episode, I want to talk about a few trends in the caring of babies that differ between the US and Germany. This wouldn’t be a final list, just the beginning of observations I have made since having given birth last October. But I wanted to dive into the differences in parenting between these… Continue reading Taking Care of Baby US vs DE