Family, Food Porn, Germany, Musings, Peru, Tourist Attractions

Mmmmmmmm Tastes Like Home…

Being American, I have been very fortunate that Germany has a lot of the big “American foods.” Germany has McDonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Dunkin’ Donuts, Subway, and I am sure a plethora of other fast food joints that would satiate your American junk food needs.  There is even a restaurant… Continue reading Mmmmmmmm Tastes Like Home…

Abner, Germany, Moving to Germany, Traditions

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas…….

So sorry that I have been MIA people, between traveling to the Duesseldorf area and the holidays, I have really dropped the ball on my usual posting.  I promise to try harder!! Anyway, since we are still in the Christmas spirit (at least here in Germany celebrating on the 26th, which is also known as… Continue reading I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas…….