Family, Food Porn, Germany, Musings

Introducing the Nephews to a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

So this last weekend, T and I hosted a movie night with the three older nephews (the sons of T’s sister).  The subject came up originally before Christmas.  My sister-in-law, A, wanted us to take the two older boys to see Rogue One in theaters.  Unfortunately between going back to the States (where T and I did see it) and the craziness of coming back and getting back into the swing of things – it didn’t happen.

But I did want to get the nephews into Star Wars.  They had seen bits and pieces on tv and also knew the important twists (Darth Vader being Luke’s father and Leia being his sister), but they had not seen any of the movies in their entirety.

We had to swing up by Hilgi this weekend to pick up my car, Siegfried, (since it was in the shop for some repairs) so we decided to host a last minute movie night.  I had hoped to show the entire original trilogy that evening, but they came a little later than I wanted so we only opted for episodes 4 and 5.

As I had mentioned in a previous post, I am a nerd.  And I am a HUGE nerd for Star Wars (even more so than Doctor Who….and that’s saying something). Our costumes for the second weekend of Fasching were of Han Solo and Chewbacca

Much to my surprise…I still wasn’t really recognized, while T was known as “That animal from Star Wars” *facepalm* So it goes to show how important it is for me that I educate the next generation so the next time I decide to go dressed as Han – I won’t be met with blank stares.

But why start with 4 and 5? Why not start with Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (Die dunkle Bedrohung).

You ready?

You can stop reading now if you don’t want to get bombarded with my nerdiness

You sure?

Absolutely sure?

Too late now. So this, in my humble opinion, was an error on Lucas’ (George) part. He intended that his audience watched the saga in chronological order.  However, he made the mistake of ending Episode 3: The Revenge of the Sith (Die Rache der Sith) with outing not only that Padme Amidala (the wife of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) had twins, but they happened to be named Luke and Leia.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal, until you think back to 1980 when Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back (Das Imperium schlaegt zurueck) first came out, along with the revelation that Darth Vader is, indeed, Luke’s father. That scene was so powerful because the audience felt the pain that ripped through Luke as he digested this information.  It’s such an amazing scene, but if you had seen Episode 3 before this, you may look at this scene with somewhat indifference.  The scene does lose some momentum.  This also includes the revelation of Luke and Leia’s familial relationship.

But the nephews were engrossed through it all.  T, his sister, and my mother-in-law were a little concerned with the youngest who is 7 and how he would react to the film.  I had no worries, considering my favorite film when I was seven was Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal

I am 30 and the Skeksis still give me nightmares.

Anyway….the youngest LOVED it! In fact, they all did.  T had bought a projector earlier last week and we used it to recreate the feeling of being in a theater.  We also made a few pizzas and popcorn (Doritos/butter and Nutella) and supplied them with enough soft drinks to guaranteed to keep them awake.  They loved it so much that they asked us to come again next week so we can watch the next part.  Unfortunately, that won’t happen, but I did promise them we would continue hosting movie nights in order to prepare them for the upcoming Episode 8 in December. So the next movie nights will consist of:

Episode 6: Return of the Jedi – Die rueckkehr der Jedi Ritter

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace – Die dunkle Bedrohung

Episode 2: Attack of the Clones – Angriff der Klonkrieger

Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith – Die Rache der Sith

Episode 7: The Force Awakens – Das Erwachen der Macht

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story  (No German title)

They’re goal is to watch everything to get ready for Episode 8 which will come out in theaters this Christmas.  I am pretty sure we will have time to watch the other movies in the meantime.

I am very excited to continue this journey with the kids.  It’s cool to share something so ingrained in my culture with them.

What favorite thing did you bring from your culture?

bis naechste Woche!

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